An Evening of Fellowship & Giving with Stevenson Rotary Club

An Evening of Fellowship & Giving with Stevenson Rotary Club![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A heartfelt thank you to our Stevenson friends for the warm hospitality! We were delighted to present a CAD$1000 donation cheque for our Interact Club students. We also had the opportunity to learn about the Truck Trailer story, an inspiring journey that sparked meaningful discussions. Special thanks to Bob for sharing his insights—our Interact Club would love to welcome you as a guest at one of our upcoming meetings! It was truly a night filled with friendship, learning, and generosity. Looking forward to our next gathering! |
2023 Parade of Music Fundraising Concert |
Pink Shirt DayRotary Club across the District 5040 are recognizing Pink Shirt Day on February, 2022. Rotarians in Vancouver Centennial are working together to engage one another and share examples of diversity, dignity and respect. |
RCVC Community Outreach Speaker Seminar 1 Video Dr. Mandy Chen 溫哥華世紀扶輪社社區心靈關懷講座影片1 陳瑤珉心理醫師 |
Congratulations on Canuck Place Children's Hospice being awarded a Worldwide grant in the amount of USD 5000 from MDRT Foundation!Congratulations on Canuck Place Children's Hospice being awarded a Worldwide grant in the amount of USD 5000 from MDRT Foundation! |
2020 Fundraising Online Concert |
Fundraising 2020 Online Concert for Canuck Place |
The Installation of 2020 |
The installation of 2019-2020 |
International Project with ROTARY CLUB OF TAIPEI YUNGFU 2018-2019 |
The 5040 district meeting |
District governor visit and interact club worked on annual fundraising concert |
The installation of 2018-2019 |
Parade of Music Fund Raising Concert 2016![]() Since 2012, this is our 5th year of hosting Parade of Music Fund Raising Concert. This year, we are delighted to have Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra to join us again to help us with the music. 今年的音樂會將在11/5 於Richmond Fraserview Church 舉行。 |
世紀扶輪社辦音樂會 為巴拉圭籌款November 14, 2012 06:00 AM
記者湯唯列治文報導 世界新聞網 北美華人社區新聞 巴拉圭及世界多個國家水源缺乏、污染水源過濾知識欠缺,導致當地居民生存困難。溫哥華世紀扶輪社將舉辦慈善音樂會,為西班牙慈善人士安東尼成立的TEMHA組織募款,在巴拉圭建設研究學院,傳授手工淨水技術。 溫哥華扶輪社社長闕武昌在13日新聞發布會上指出,巴拉圭部落原住民過去只能飲用受到污染或是儲存雨水的井水,導致該地區老人與小孩死亡率高於城市居民的10倍,生存下來的居民也飽受疾病折磨。西班牙發明家士罹患肝癌後,賣掉所有財產,隻身來到巴拉圭,就地取材,研發出手工陶瓷濾水器及灌溉系統,並傳授給當地原住民。他的陶瓷淨水系統可以過濾掉99.9%的病菌,且該手工陶瓷淨水器使用年限可達五年,遠高於僅能使用一年的機器產淨水器。 |
Sun Shine Meeting
special venue arrangement for our Sun Shine Meeting
--- every first Tuesday evening
No Meeting on July 22nd
We will cancel our meeting on July 22nd, the regular meeting will be back at following week.
New R.I. Website
On 8 October, Rotary International will launch a new Web site with
an updated look and enhanced features,
8/28 Venue Changed
We will change one meeting's venue to Hart House Restaurant , 6664 Deer Lake Ave. Burnaby on Aug. 28 2007.
Tel: 604-298-4278
New e-mail scam targets Rotarians
Unfortunately a recent e-mail scam, and some other forms of Internet fraud, have been targeting Rotarians and misusing Rotary information.
New addresses for sending dues or TRF donations
All Canadian Rotarians and clubs that remit their dues and send Rotary Foundation contributions need to note the new address of lockboxes
We are moving
Starting from Nov.21 2006,we will change the place of our regular weekly meeting.
District Governor's Official Visit on Oct.10
District Governor, Kevin Conway, will visit Vancouver Centennial on Oct.10 .
Venue Change: Tuesday September 12, 2006
Due to a short notice from Marine Drive Golf Course, Vancouver Centennial needs to change its meeting venue for this day.
We are moving!
Start from Aug. 8 2006,we will change the place for our regular weekly meeting.
District Rotary Foundation Chair to Visit Vancouver Centennial
District Rotary Foundation Chair: PDG Del Paterson will visit Rotary Club Vancouver Centennial on Tuesday May 30, 2006 to recognize the following members as Paul Harris Fellows: Club President Harrison Lin, President-elect Wells Hsu & Joanne Cheng.
Annual Publication
Hi Rotarians of RCVC
Time flies! In less than two months, we will be holding our first anniversary dinner.
2014-2015 District Governor Ken Wilson's Visit and New Member Induction |
水希望慈善募款 音乐会公演 收入全捐图: 白鹭鸶合唱团正在演出合唱《思亲吟》。(摄影:唐风/大纪元)
【大纪元2012年11月27日讯】 (大纪元记者唐风温哥华报导)由温哥华世纪扶轮社主办的水希望慈善募款音乐会,周六(24日)晚在列治文市Fraserview Church 公开演出。约400余人到场观看。音乐会门票所有收入将全数捐给TEMHA水希望计划。 |
淨化, 希望, 水計劃 Purify Water Hope溫哥華世紀扶輪社邀請您一起響應 The Vancouver Centennial Rotary Club 手工陶瓷過濾器 Handmade Ceramic Water-Filter 安東尼成功發明可以讓原住民手工製作陶瓷過濾器,能過濾水99.9%的細菌。讓家家戶戶都擁有自家的過濾器,供應乾淨的飲用水。 陶瓷灌溉系統 Ceramic Irrigation System 將陶瓷科技進一步運用到灌溉系統上來種植農作物,只需要平常十分之一的用水量,改善了農業發展的限制。未上釉的陶瓷, 依照不同品種的植物對水的需求,設計出適當滲水功能的甕, 將其埋在地底並注滿水封蓋. 把植物種子灑於陶瓷四周, 就能種植出來豐碩的蔬菜水果. Using Antonio’s ceramic irrigation system, the amount of water required to irrigate plants and crops are reduced by 90%.
å°åŒ—七星扶輪社昨日舉行授è‰25周年慶典,今年慶典由PP Morlboro籌辦,由於åŒæ™‚舉行兩個日本姊妹社續約儀å¼æ•…節目更顯得熱鬧,社å‹å¤«äººçš„åˆå”±ä¹Ÿè´å¾—熱烈掌è²ï¼Œç¤¾é•·Kin致詞時æ到RIå‰ç¤¾é•·Richard L.Evans在1966年所說的話我èªç‚ºå¯ä¾›æˆ‘們å¸ç¿’,他說:『這個世界上åªè¦é‚„有一個飢餓的å©åã€ä¸€å€‹ä¸è˜å—的人ã€ä¸€å€‹å–ªå¿—çš„é’å¹´ã€åªè¦ä¸€å€‹åœ°æ–¹é‚„有誤解或è¡çªã€åªè¦é‚„有一個精英朋å‹é‚„未被發ç¾ï¼Œæ‰¶è¼ªå°±æœ‰å˜åœ¨çš„ç†ç”±ã€ï¼Œèº«ç‚ºæ‰¶è¼ªä¸€ä»½å讓我們回顧一下,我們是å¦éœ€æ›´åŠ 努力來å”助é”æˆæ‰¶è¼ªå‰è¼©çš„å‰å¤§é¡˜æœ›ã€‚
å°åŒ—士林扶輪社授è‰36周年慶典於4月13日在國賓大飯店舉行,åŒæ™‚舉行的有å°åŒ—101扶輪社授è‰ä¸€å‘¨å¹´æ…¶ï¼Œé€™æ˜¯ä¸€å€‹å……滿活力的扶輪社,是由士林社輔導æˆç«‹çš„,ä¸ä½†ç¤¾é½¡å¹´è¼•ï¼Œç¤¾å“¡å¹³å‡å¹´é½¡ä¹Ÿå¾ˆè¼•ï¼Œå¯èªªæ˜¯æ‰¶è¼ªç”ŸåŠ›è»ï¼Œæ™šæœƒå…±æœ‰äº”å…百人åƒåŠ å¯èªªæ˜¯éžå¸¸ç››å¤§çš„周年慶,由於節目熱鬧直到接近時點æ‰çµæŸã€‚
「人道關懷行善天下」 溫哥華世紀扶輪社廣邀各界共同參與溫哥華世紀扶輪社為北美洲唯一以華語為開會語言之扶輪社,創社社長林瀚城在2005年扶輪創立100週年時邀集各不同行業有志人士籌組而成,近年來在歷屆社長精心經營之下,每年都依國際扶輪之規則舉辦社區服務、國際服務、及職業服務,無論急難救災或是常年慈善救助、獎學金之捐助等等全體社員都熱心出錢出力,甚至舉辦音樂會或是大型餐會募款,社員均樂此不疲。
åƒåŠ å°åŒ—和平社çˆé‚Šæœƒè°ä¸Šå‘¨äº”ç”±å°åŒ—北投社CP Lucky邀請åƒåŠ å°åŒ—和平社盛大çˆé‚Šæœƒè°ï¼Œåœ°é»žåœ¨åŒ—投大æ¥è·¯é‚±å†èˆˆæ–‡æ•™åŸºé‡‘會鳳甲美術館,會å‰ç”±è©²é¤¨ä¸»äºº(å°åŒ—西å€ç¤¾pp)親自介紹館è—作å“,總共二åƒäº”百餘件,收è—類別大致分為五大部分;油畫ã€æ°´å½©ã€ç´ æã€æ··åˆåª’æåŠç‰ˆç•«ï¼Œå…¶ä¸æœ€ç貴的屬於收è—數百件的ä¸åœ‹åˆºç¹¡çå“,為國內難得一見的çè—,當晚由於還備有è±ç››çš„晚é¤åŠè²æ¨‚家å³ä½©å¨Ÿ(CP Lucky 夫人)主唱的節目故沒有時間仔細觀賞,改天將å†åº¦å‰å¾€åƒè§€ã€‚鳳甲åšç‰©é¤¨é›–屬ç§äººå‰µè¨ï¼Œä½†å°å¤–å…費開放,五人以上欲åƒè¨ªè‹¥å…ˆå·²é›»è©±é 約,該館會有專人導覽。晚會在和平社社長Jimmy熱烈招待ä¸åœ“滿完æˆã€‚
‘Reach Within to Embrace Humanity’ is 2011-12 RI theme By Joseph Derr Rotary International News -- 17 January 2011![]() 國際扶輪社長當選人葛爾揚.潘乃傑在加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥的國際講習會上宣布2011-12 年度國際扶輪主題。 國際扶輪社長當選人葛爾揚.潘乃傑要求扶輪社員在2011-12 扶輪年度當中去【人道關懷行善天下】。
US$1 million gift to fight polio eradication |
Getting Started![]()
R.I. President Dong Kurn Lee discusses the people and events that prepared him for his new role.
NEW Presentation Skills Course![]()
On October 25, 2008 District 5040 will hold our first Masters Level - Rotary Leadership Course.
Awards for District 5040 |
New country added to Rotary map |
$30 Million for Polio![]()
The Government of Canada has announced $30 million to help immunize children in sub-Saharan Africa of which at least $15 million will go to Nigeria, where polio is still endemic.
Nominations for District 5040 Governor 2011-2012 |
Your Voice, Your Solution![]()
You are invited to provide input to help create a Rotary knowledge base for Rotarians around the world to improve their clubs and their services.
Member Access, online service changes![]() In July 2008, Rotary International will implement a more comprehensive registration and login process for Member Access and other password-protected online services. The new system will improve security and provide self-service features. |
Welcome to a Year of
2008~09 Club Officer Installation NightWe celebrated the installation of the new President and club officers on Jun 24th 2008 .
Goals At Los Angeles Convention![]()
By Ryan Hyland Rotary's goals to eradicate polio and improve health and literacy seemed to become more attainable after the 2008 RI Convention in Los Angeles drew to a close on 18 June.
See the start of the 2008 RI Convention![]() Rotary International News -- 15 June 2008 |
Thank you for an unforgettable year![]() June 2008 Dear fellow Rotarians, I wish that every Rotarian could have the opportunities to see Rotary in action that Joan and I have enjoyed over the past months. From India to France, Hong Kong to Brazil, the Philippines to Turkey, we witnessed Rotarians demonstrating, with great compassion and ingenuity, just how much Rotary Shares. |
Vote for Your Favorite Photo![]()
For the first time, you can select a People's Choice Award winner for The Rotarian's annual photo contest.
1000th Smile by D5630 AG Dave Fowler
They came for the children.children with cleft lip and cleft palate deformities whose parents could not afford to get help for them any other way. They were medical professionals and Rotary volunteers from all over the world who joined with
Club Leadership Teams prepare for District Assembl![]()
Rotary International News
6 March 2008 From April to May, each president-elect and incoming club leadership team attends the district assembly . Participants are encouraged to read the appropriate manual before training so they arrive at the seminar prepared to discuss their duties and goals for the coming year. |
Rtn. Quentin @ AFS mission and PETS![]()
Rtn. Quentin Li went to Baiyin, Gansu, China for an AFS mission on Febuary then go to Seattle to attend Pacific Northwest Presidents Elect Training Seminar on Mar. 6.
If you want to become an architect, or visit China during the Chinese New Year, here are some advices |
The 4th edition emphasizes the ways that Rotary enables members to make positive contributions in the world and showcases the many attributes of the typical Rotarian. One set will be sent to all clubs. Rotarians can use these PSAs to obtain free or low-cost ad placements with their local media.
Rotary images now available online |
Rotary International has received a US$3.5 million challenge grant from the Google Foundation to eradicate polio worldwide.
Alliance For Smiles![]()
Rtn. Quentin will join another Alliance For Smiles mission at Baiyin, Gansu Province ,China from Feb. 22 to Mar. 8. Here is the media release for this mission.
PART I & II RLI CLASSES A SUCCESS![]() Rtn. Quentin Li joined other Rotarians from District 5040 at Rotary Leadership Institute course on Jan26 2008. |
Guests Livened Up the Night
Paul Goetz,AG Don Kavanagh and visiting Rotarians from North Delta Club all warmed up for the evening at the Best Western Abercorn Inn on January 22, 2008.
Survey says PR an important tool for membership |
Rotary Spirit - To Serve![]()
100 seniors were entertained by Centennial Club members. First hand experience told by Dr. Ruey-horng Chien about The Rotary Yoneyyama Memorial Foundation work.
Board Election![]()
Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial had our Annual Meeting on Dec. 18 2007 and the election of officers and board directors for Rotary Year 2008~2009. Congratulation to the newly elected board of directors.
Taipei Wonderful![]() Dec. 15 2007 Rotary Club of Chung Ho Full May and Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial became Sister Clubs. |
A Historic Day for Rotary |
Participate in an on-line discussion with
Rotary Foundation Trustee and PolioPlus Partners Co-Chair Louis Piconi |
Alliance For Smiles Night |
Rotary District Foundation Dinner![]()
On Nov. 23 District 5040 held a Rotary Foundation Dinner event at Hellenic Centre Vancouver.
Messages from RI President![]() November 2007 The Rotarian The Rotary Foundation is the engine that drives Rotary's international humanitarian service. Without the Foundation, many of Rotary's signature programs wouldn't exist. There would be no PolioPlus, no Humanitarian Grants, no Ambassadorial Scholarships, no Rotary World Peace Fellowships. Without the Foundation, Rotary would be a very different and less powerful force for good in the world. |
The Rotarian photo contest now open!![]()
Professional critics have joined the many Rotarians who say they're inspired by the people and projects featured in The Rotarian magazine.
Lending Risk Made Simple
Lenders ask for lots of information in dealing with loan applications. If you know what they are really after, this may help expedite an application.
3-year pilot program to test new grant structure |
The BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation
As a charitable organzation committed to making the road safer for the community, the Foundation calls for help.
How to enjoy hotel living![]()
Professor James Chan of Cultural University talked about his experience having been a visitor to over 100 countries.
Rtn. Quentin's China Trip |
Actions and not talks
CP Harrison Lin's proposal for community services received great support from members. President Kenneth Liu treated members to a great meal while searching for an alternate meeting place.
The new face of the RI Web site![]()
The new RI site is up; some appears to still be in developing stage, and it is a little slow at this time, but looks and seems to be much easier to get around than the old one.
Kenny is choice for 2009-10 RI president![]() Rotary International News John Kenny, of the Rotary Club of Grangemouth, Central, Scotland, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International in 2009-10. He will become the president-nominee on 1 December if there are no challenging candidates. |
Deadline extended! Sign up for the 2008 RI convent |
DG Gave Recognition to Club Members
DG Dean Rohr complimented Club members on her official visit to the Club on September 18, 2007
The United Nations Association of New York will honor Rotary International with its 2007 Humanitarian Award on October 25.
Doing Business as an Incorporated Company
Profitability is the key word if you are considering whether you are to conduct business in your own name or in the name of a limited company.
Delta media reports bring help to Harbin, ChinaA traditional Chinese medicine specialist preparing for a business trip to Harbin, China learned of Jill Moore's Alliance For Smiles trip through the media. When the Vancouver Centennial Rotarian decided to contact her while in China it radically changed his trip. |
Good News announced at the meeting on September 4, 2007
Albert Tseng's member application has been approved by board.If there is no objection from the other member,Abert will be the first new member of the Club in Rotary Year 2007~2008. James Wu committed to making a big donation to the Club.
The Four-Way Test means business![]()
Rotary's gold standard of ethics builds friendships, attracts customers - and helps club members sleep at night
By Nancy Shepherdson The Rotarian
New member sponsor pins![]()
RI President Wilf Wilkinson is encouraging all Rotarians to help strengthen Rotary's membership by bringing at least one new member into Rotary. Members of his leadership team who met this challenge have been recognized with a new member sponsor pin.
Celebrating Summer at a Garden Restaurant![]()
The August 28, 2007 meeting at the Hart House Restaurant was a new attempt to make meetings more enjoyable.
Fung Shui in Modern Terms
Fung Shui may mean very complex issues. When you dissect it with concerns about health, security and functionality, it may be simple.
Saying it was a fantastic experience; President Wilf Wilkinson closed the Presidential Membership Conference held on August 10-11, 2007, in Richmond. This was the fifth of seven such conferences held around North America focusing on membership growth.
A History Lesson |
Taiwan Festival & International Friendship |
Point of View![]()
Is tax reduction good for B.C. - different people may have different answers to this question.
Success Story of an Entrepreneur from Taiwan![]()
Jason Ko, President and CEO of Viva Pharmaceutical Inc. shared his success story with the Club.
International Friendship |
Rotary International News |
July 17th Club Meeting
Actions are requested for the new Rotary Year.
Declining Population Growth Rates in Taiwan
Guest Speaker Richard Hsu, Associate Professor of Taipei Municipal University of Education examines the causes and impacts on Taiwan on July 10 at our club meeting.
Why the Rotary year starts 1 July? |
RCVC Installation Night 2007Over 50 participants celebrated the installation of the new President and his Board of Directors. |
Rotary Membership
Rotary District Membership Chair-Elect Hans Doge calls on all Rotarians to acknowledge recruiting new members as a priority for the new Rotary Year.
Rotary Club of Beijing![]() Rtn. Quentin attended the meeting of Rotary Club of Beijing on Jun. 19 2007. Rotary Year 2007~2008 club president Mike Yuh-hung Ma gave us a speech about annual goal and projects report. |
From the last-minute preparations to the opening session, get a taste of what happened during the kickoff of the 2007 RI Convention in Salt Lake City.
Rotary International Song![]()
Rtn.Guillermo Terisotto,who is the writer, composer and singer of "Rotary International Song", sent Quentin an email to share a video with that song. He hopes we can enjoy it.
From Central to North![]()
Rtn. Quentin had attended two more Rotary Club meetings before he left Taiwan to China this week.
A Year in Review and a New Year![]()
The last club assembly for the Rotary Year 2006~2007 held on Jun 5th was attended by Assistant Governor-Elect John Vokes.
Gift from Rotary Club of Taoyuan WestDistrict 3500 GSE team leader Jason Teng, past president of Rotary Club of Taoyuan West, invited Rtn. Quentin to attend his club's meeting on Jun. 6 2007. |
Lobster Dinner Fundraising EventMay 26, several members and family from Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial took District 3500 GSE team leader Jason, member Celesta and Rtn. Sport to join the Down Home Lobster Night at Rotary Club of North Delta. |
Rotary Club of Taoyuan South @ D3500Rtn. Quentin Li arrived Taiwan on 5/29 for a family trip.He atteneded the regular meeting at Rotary Club of Taoyuan South on 5/31. |
Fund Raising for BC Children Hospital![]()
Raymond Li and Cecilia Liu from the Charity Fund of the Children Hospital called on Rotarians to open their wallets for good causes.
R.I. Presidential Citation"There is nothing intangible about Rotary: It is reality itself. To give is to receive; to lose one self is to find one self; to be happy is to serve. These are old truths. . . for the individual. . . and the mass, whether application be in the exchange of goods, toil, knowledge, or love." - The Meaning of Rotary, THE ROTARIAN, November 1921 |
Salt Lake City Convention Information![]() If you're attending the RI Convention next month, be sure to check out the following membership development opportunities. |
Effective Communication |
An Evening with Kenneth Hsieh, Assistant Conductor, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
If you think artists are either dull or cool, try to meet Kenneth Hsieh and let him change your opinion.
District 5040 News |
Results from the R.I. 2007 Council on Legislation![]() The democratic process shaped the 2007 Council on Legislation in Chicago, which ran from 23 to 27 April. Overall, the Council had a busy week, addressing some 337 items that were brought forward by delegates coming from throughout Rotary's 530 districts worldwide. |
An Eventful Week![]() Started off with a Rotarian wedding, followed by community services on the Earth Day, and went into a meeting honoured by our Speaker Dr. Pang Chang. |
Welcome, GSE Team from Taiwan District 3500 |
Did you YOGA to-day![]()
Yoga is not only about exercise. Experience the 8-steps of yoga with Miss Aria Wang, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT®) of Yoga Alliance. |
April is Magazine Month![]() In April, we recognize Rotary's 31 official magazines and the important role they play in disseminating information about Rotary worldwide. |
Wheelchair Foundation Canada
What started off by one person has delivered hope and joy to 150 countries around the World.
Watch what we have been doing Internationally |
Catching the green bug![]() From the Gobi desert to the Pacific coast, Rotary clubs plant seeds for the future. The Rotarian Photo by Deborah Fletcher/Matthew Grasse
RI Convention Hotel Accommodation![]()
Due to the overwhelming popularity of the convention. RI's housing contractor in Salt Lake City is backfilling the requests of those on the waiting list.
Healthy Lives
The key to better and healthier lives is to learn more about the culprits that cause the lives of many.
Celebrate World Water Day on 22 March![]() How will your club celebrate World Water Day on 22 March?
By Joseph Derr |
Shipping, Pride of Taiwan![]()
Do you know the world's third largest shipping company is registered in Taiwan, and Kaohsiung is the fourth largest container handling port in the world.
Visit from District Governor-Elect |
Vocational Service
Our club had the Vocational Service on March 3, 2007 at Vancouver Formosa Academy.Thanks to our Rotarian Warren Chueh, we have a chance to understand the role of Vancouver Formosa Academy as a stepping stone for ESL students and also for new immigrants who wish to learn English to fit into Canadian society.
Celebrate Literacy Month - Bill's MESSAGES![]() March 2007 Dear fellow Rotarians, As members of a family of book lovers, we have always made literacy a high priority in our lives. Our home is full of books, and neither Lorna nor I ever travel without two or three. Reading is a great joy for both of us, and it is a joy we've shared with our children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, for many people around the world, the simple pleasure of reading seems hopelessly out of reach. |
ALLIANCE FOR SMILES - bringing smiles & hope to children![]()
Rotarian Jill Moore (RC of Tsawwassen) shared with our club members her recent trip to Shenyang, China.
Celebration of the Chinese New Year![]() Traditional Celebration of the Chinese New Year Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colorful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year. Common expressions heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the new year. |
Humanity in Motion![]() As Rotarians celebrate World Understanding Month in February, learn more about Rotary's dedication to peace through its international scholarship program for young people.
February 6, 2007 News in Brief |
Health--Tuesday Night Meeting, January 30, 2007 |
Theme announced for the 2007-08 Rotary year![]()
The 2007-08 theme Rotary Shares will act as a daily reminder of what ordinary people can accomplish through the extraordinary work of Rotary, said RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson at the 2007 International Assembly's opening session today.
A Note of Success
Erhu has two notes, Gu Zheng has more. They have one thing in common - they shared a note of success.
Rotarians Honoured
Rotarians of the Vancouver Centennial Club continue to make impressive contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
Good Attendance After the Holidays |
We continue to learn
As our newly born club continues to grow in number, we also continue to grow as a group by learning more and more about Rotary.
A Call to Celebrate Rotary's Effort to Eliminate Polio![]()
January 19th has been designated a dinner night at the Delta Hotel in Richmond to celebrate Rotary's success in eliminating Polio.
Time to Plan for our Next Club Activity![]() |
Evening Enriched with Culture![]() From Chi Gong to Tai Chi, from Pottery to Painting, from Chinese Sniff Bottle to Vietnamese Figurines, the members' meeting on December 19th was an evening enriched with culture.
Expanding our club |
ROTARY - Update Regional Foundation Seminar & PolioPlus Dinner![]() |
2nd Charter Anniversary Night![]()
It was a kick off for our Charter Anniversary Night! Hosted by Ken Hsiao and Vivian Huang, our night was entertaining and full of energy.
Building 101 and The New Board of Directors |
December is Family Month!![]() |
Story about Malawi |
Special Gift - Chopsticks!![]() |
Pink Flamingo strives to be quiet!
We had our first meeting at the Flamingo Restaurant on Tuesday and, to me, it was a tough one to accept.
The artistic side of things.![]()
Art is something that you naturally enjoy or you don't, says Mr. Liaw. There many ways of seeing a picture and how you interpret it through your own eyes.
Sound of the Ocarina![]()
An Asian man fell in love with the Italian Instrument, the Ocarina. Mr.Hsu-Hui Chang came to share his passion in the ocarina with us.
Our club is growing!
Our club is growing! This week, we gave our warmest welcome to Larry Lin, to join our big family. Congratulations!
Welcome District Governor!!![]()
A special night because of a special visit by our District Governor, Kevin Conway and his wife Jen Conway as well as Assistant District Governor Nancy Nikolai.
Mission Possible |
Fortune at RCVC |
Welcome the newest member - Richard Wu |
Vocation Service @ Pearl Hot Pot
A special Tuesday last week, where we held our first Vocation Service of the year at Daniel's restaurant, Pearl Hot Pot.
NOTICE! Change of location for Sept.12,2006 |
As usual |
Chinese alphabets. |
New members share their experiences.![]()
Our newest members for the year, David Wang and Michelle Chien, shared personal experiences about their careers.
20 Years of Rotary: My Perspective |
Our Experience in China
Rotarians Quentin Li & Ken Hsiao shared wtih members of RCVC their experience during a recent trip to China.
RCVC @ 2006 Taiwan Day!![]()
Vancouver Centennial participated in the celebration of both BC Day & Taiwan Day on Aug. 7, 2006 at Vancouver's Bobolink Park.
A visit![]()
We had an expected return from Dr.Moshe Birger of the Rotary Club of Jaffa in Israel today. We invited him back for the second time as a special guest speaker.
Full of excitement!![]()
Tonight was another special night for the members of RCVC. First of all, we welcomed a new member to our club, David Wang, who was introduced by Joanne Cheng. Another set of helping hands to contribute to our club!
RCVC Barbeque Event on July 21![]()
Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial will have a BBQ event on July21 (Friday) at Fraser Foreshore Park, Burnaby.
Vancouver Chinatown 25th Anniversary Celebration & Installation![]() On Saturday July 8, 2006, a number of Rotarians from Vancouver Centennial attended Vancouver Chinatown's 25th Anniversary Celebration and Installation dinner at the Renaissance Harbourside Hotel with RI President-elect Wilf Wilkinson as the keynote Speaker.  |
The New Domain Name of Our Club's Website |
2006-2007 Installation Dinner![]()
It was a special Tuesday for all fellow Rotarians of Vancouver Centennial. Our first annual installation dinner was held.
Completing the year.![]()
It is the last week of the fiscal year for the Rotary Club and we prepared to a brand new year of service. A budget and a new Board of Directors were announced.
Vocation Service 2006
On Saturday June 24th, fellow Rotarians had the opportunity to visit
Community Service June 18, 2006
On Sunday, June 18th 2006, our club performed our first community service for the year.
Three Rotarians in BeijingOur club members - Wells Hsu,Ken Hsiao and Quentin Li met at the city center (Wang Fu Jing ) of Beijing on the middle of Jun. |
Taiwan: A Success Story by Mr. T.T HsiaoMr. T.T Hsiao of TAITRA, |
Dr. Graham Witcher & Induction CeremonyPast District 5040 Public Relations Chair Graham Witcher visited Vancouver Centennial this Tuesday to share his two years Rotarian experience in |
Rotary Foundation & Special Ceremonies![]() District Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Del Paterson paid Vancouver Centennial a special visit this Tuesday to share with fellow Rotarians his 3 years of experience as the District Rotary Foundation (RF) chair. |
2006 District 5040/5050 Conference
This year's District Conference is a joint conference being co-hosted by Districts 5040 & 5050 in Whistler B.C. with the opening ceremony held on Friday, May 19th 2006.
Down Home Lobster Night!![]()
Elgin Duke, a member of the North Delta Rotary Club continues to show his kindness whenever he shows up at our meetings. During our last meeting, he presented us with four tickets to one of their own club event which is called Down Home Lobster Night.
A trip to Kenya!![]()
Bill Jackson, a member of the North Delta Rotary Club joined us Tuesday night and shared his story with us on his trip to Kenya, Africa. The people there were poor and needed a lot of support.
The Strongest Team in the History- New Website Maintain Team![]()
This week, the website editor - Quentin, had formed a team to maintain our club websites. (English and Chinese webs)
Welcome visiting Rotarians
Fellow North Vancouver Rotarian, Mike also visited our club yesterday evening, to inspire and share his experience as a Rotarian.
Born in Macao and Made in Taiwan - Councillor B.C. Lee
Councillor B.C. Lee visited our club last night to share with fellow Rotarians his 6 months experience as a councillor of the City of Vancouver.
International Manner
Dr. Cheng specialized in restaurant management and tourism. He spoke many langauges and had travelled to more than 110 countries.
Getting to know our club member - Alice Wu
Alice Wu, being the youngest charter member at our club, came to Canada in June of 1988 when she was 6, from Taipei, Taiwan. She grew up in Vancouver since then.
Introdoction of Rotary Clubs in China
Our club memeber- Quentin,visited China on March and attended the meetings of Rotary Clubs there for his make up.
Introduction of helping people with leprosy in Vietnam |
FINDING HOME is the opening event for explorASIAN 2006!![]() Speaker:Cecilia Chen, who plays an important role in inviting Broadway Performer/Playwright Welly Yang to Vancouver, introduced the show to us and took us into the journey of music. |
PDG Chris Offer, RRIMC 2004-05, Teaches Us How to Recruit New Members
Rotarian Chris Offer, Regional Rotary International Membership Coordinator and PDG #5040, visited our club on May 6, 2005 and gave the audience an inspirational speech and functional tips about recruiting, retaining and growing club membership.
2005-2006 Directors
During the meeting on May 27, 2005, Harrison advised that after discussing with various fellow members, it has become necessary to re-elect new officers and/or directors of the Club for fiscal year 2005~2006.
Harrison & Alice met Richard King |
Chicago convention |
Taiwan Day |
Rotary West Coast Walk![]()
As he walks 2,200 miles from Mexico to Canada Nathan Auerbach is doing best to avoid wearing out his shoes,.......
Welcome,Ralph & Kitty![]()
We would like to welcome Ralph and Kitty, from Rotary Club of Parry Sound, Ontario and we are delightful to have them here with us.
The Way of Living for Better Health |
How to fully utilize tax benefit for charitable donation![]() Guest Speakers: John Holme / Peter Weng How to fully utilize tax benefit for charitable donation |
2005-2006 Community Service |
Starting a New Business and Business Opportunity in B.C. |
Avian Flu - What we need to know
Speaker: Dr. Kuo
D.G.Sonia presented Rotary Gloves to Directors
DG Sonia presented special district Service Above Self Recognition to club leaders at RC of Vancouver Centennial.
Distric Governor Official Visiting
District Governor Sonia Wolowidnyk and A.D.G.Nancy visit our club .She shared her compassion of being a Rotarian with us.
The Birth of Rotary Club Vancouver Centennial![]()
After more than one year of preparation, the Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial
finally received its charter from Rotary International in November.
We celebrate the establishment of the first and only mandarin-speaking Rotary Club in Canada.
Dr.Bill Jackson
Dr.Bill Jackson visited our club and gave a special presentation about his optical program and their trip to distribute glasses in Cambodia in 2004.
The birth of new board
This week, We held the election for the Vancouver Centinnel Rotary Club 2006-2007 director.
Multiculturalism . Dr. Yang |
Welcome New Friends
Get to know your Rotarian: Chi Shu Huang and Tony Chen
Fruit Tree Management in Winter
Mr. Kao is experienced in garden management. He had managed the garden for
Vancouver General Hospital.
Forming and managing a company
Mr. Paul Wu is our guest speaker for this week.
Mr. Wu is an owner of an import/export company specialized in accessories.
Taking Care of Your Teeth![]()
Leo Wang, DDS, has run a dental clinic for several years in the great Vancouver area. He answered the frequent asked questions of teeth care.
Musical trip in TaiwanJohn is a conductor from |
There is no rehearsal in life![]() Dr. Chen is the CEO of Lotus International Group and chairman of |
Auto accident management and ICBC reimbursement![]() Mr. Chen described how ICBC works. Since ICBC is owned by the government and a monopoly business in the car insurance filed. Therefore, it represents both parties in a motor vehicle accident. As a result, there might be beneficial conflict during resolution. When we buy insurance from an auto plan agent, most of them are independent contractor. As for the |