5040 CLUBS
Senior Rotary Leaders attending the Presidential Membership Conference in Richmond will visit and speak to District 5040 Rotary clubs in the Vancouver area. All Rotarians are invited and encouraged to attend one of these special meetings to meet and hear Rotary's senior leadership.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
RI Director Monty Audenart will speak to:
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown at 12:00 PM
Floata Restaurant, 189 Keefer Street, Vancouver
RI Director Monty Audenart will speak to:
The Rotary Club of Richmond Sunset at 5:45 PM at the Vancouver Airport Marriott, 7571 Westminster Highway, Richmond
Thursday, August 9, 2007
RI Director Monty Audenart will speak to:
The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen at 7:15 AM,
Beach Grove Golf Club, 5946 - 12th Ave, Tsawwassen
RI President Wilf Wilkinson will speak to:
A joint Meeting of the Rotary Club of New Westminster and the Rotary Club of New Westminster Royal City at12:00 PM
CHANGE OF VENUE: Laguna Blu, at the New Westminster Quay.
RI President Elect D.K. Lee will speak to:
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Cambie at 6:00 PM
A special meeting will be held at the Point Grey Golf Club, SW Marine Drive, Vancouver - the cost for this special meeting will be $60.00. The presentation will be in Korean
Friday, August 10, 2007
RI President Wilf Wilkinson will speak to:
The Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus at 12:00 PM
Arbutus Club, 2001 Nanton (at Arbutus) Vancouver
Please attend one of these special meetings.