Dr. Yang has been involved in promoting and helping the Taiwanese community after his retirement as a gynecologist. He has been the director and chair person in Taiwan Canadian Cultural Association for many years.

Dr.Yang was born in Taiwan and brought to ManChu (Northeast part of China) in the 1930's. He studied in the Japanese until 14 and came back to Taiwan after Japan was defeated in the 2nd World War. After that, he went to the United States for his clinical practicum. He moved to Canada and practice as a gynecologist in 1964.

His traveling and moving experience had provided him the understanding of multiculturalism. He felt lucky to be able to live in Vancouver where it had been named the best city in the world for many times. For some of the Chinese Immigrant, Canada is a temporary area for living and making fortune. When they died, they would want to be buried in their home land. For Dr. Yang, Canada is where he is going to live for his rest of life.

This ideology of home land is similar to the Taiwan situation for some. Some of those who retreated to Taiwan still want to go back to their home land. Taiwan became a temporary resting location. This is why so many conflicts have arisen in Taiwan's society today. In order to solve such conflicts, one should look into their roots and become one with the local community.

Those who immigrant to Canada should also do the same. Tiny circle within its own people does not help with multiculturalism. Everyone should try to fit into the Canadian society so there won't be any gap between the locals and future generations.

You have to be proud of being a Canadian.

A book has just came our recently by Jonathan Mantho called "Forbidden Nation." He is a journalist from the Vancouver Sun. His had covered the Taiwan election a few years ago. He decided to write this book for Taiwan's dilemma in the international affair. If a local Canadian can care for Taiwan as much, why can't those immigrants who came from Taiwan?

Dr. Yang would like everyone to be proud of where they came from and proud to live where they are in now. You need identification for who you are and then be able to fit into where you live. This is multiculturalism at its best.