Guest Speaker Richard Hsu, Associate Professor of Taipei Municipal University of Education examines the causes and impacts on Taiwan on July 10 at our club meeting.

The trend is disturbing when various statistical numbers about the demographics of Taiwan in 1980 are compared to those in 2005: number of children to each adult fell from 6 to 1; a woman's average age when she gave birth to the first child increased from 23 to 27; 25% of the population of 40 and above do not have children.


 The younger generation is disappearing, albeit slowly. Plausible explanations are that women are getting more and more financially independent from men. Women are becoming more and more educated compared to their male counterparts. More Taiwanese males are marrying women from overseas and their offspring do not stay. The Government of Taiwan is paying attention to this trend that is going to affect the social and infra structures.


 At the same time, entrepreneurs are reminded that these changes also pose new business opportunities.


Meanwhile IPP Wells Hsu presented a cita tion to club honorary member Harvey Lu to thank his contribution to our club in the past year.


Kenneth & Richard Hsu IPP Wells & Harvey

Dr. Richard Hsu & President Kenneth

Rtn. Harvey & IPP Wells