Mr. T.T Hsiao of TAITRA, TaiwanTradeCenter (Vancouver) visited Vancouver Centennial this evening.
Mr. T.T Hsiao started his speech by sharing with members his past 20 years of work experiences that brought him and his family to different parts of the world including Kenya and Egypt. Next, he continued his speech with a brief history of how trading evolved in Taiwan; it started with the garment industry in the 1940s. In the 1980s, the Taiwanese economy propelled into the electronic goods industry after two successful electronic trade shows. Most importantly, Mr. T.T Hsiao also shed some light on the strategy of Taiwanese trade moving forward. Interestingly, the '921 event' (earthquake) in Taiwan demonstrated the importance of Taiwan's computer and electronics manufacturing industry on a global scale as the world prices of computers increased dramatically due to the shortfall of supply from the Taiwanese manufacturers. It was the success in Taiwan's manufacturing industry that helped ignite the manufacturing industry in China.
 Last but not least, Joy & Ross McDougal from Rotary Club of Boonah Queensland Australia attended the club meeting as they are on a friendship exchange program.