Results from the R.I. 2007 Council on Legislation
Posted by Quentin Li
The democratic process shaped the 2007 Council on Legislation in Chicago, which ran from 23 to 27 April. Overall, the Council had a busy week, addressing some 337 items that were brought forward by delegates coming from throughout Rotary's 530 districts worldwide.
Preliminary report of official results of the 2007 Council on Legislation. Enacted items take effect 1 July 2007. Here are a few of the adapted items. For complete listing, please visit RI newsroom.
- To provide for a club board to cancel a club meeting for commonly recognized holidays
- To require members to attend 50% of regular meetings in each half of the Rotary year.
- To amend the provisions for calculating attendance records>
- To consult with the governor when amending the name and locality of the club.
- To amend the provisions for visiting Rotarians.
- To exempt recent Rotaractors from paying an admission fee.
- To provide that the president shall continue to serve until a successor who has attended the presidents-elect training seminar and district assembly has been elected.
- To request the RI Board to consider emphasizing the qualifications for membership.
Dues increase
In a move that will impact all Rotary clubs, the 2007 Council on Legislation passed an enactment to increase per capita dues beginning in 2008-09, with the increase going into effect July 2008. The enactment (07-283), proposed by the RI Board of Directors, effectively raises dues Rotary club members pay US$1 per year through 2010-11.The enactment pertains to Article 17.030 of the Bylaws of Rotary International, and maintains dues at $23.50 per half year in 2007-08, increases to $24.00 per half year in 2008-2009, $24.50 per half year in 2009-10, and $25.00 per half year in 2010-11.