A Year in Review and a New Year
Posted by P.K. Chan
The last club assembly for the Rotary Year 2006~2007 held on Jun 5th was attended by Assistant Governor-Elect John Vokes.
Assistant Governor-Elect John Vokes threw in a lot of useful advices as President-Elect Kenneth Liu reviewed his objectives and plans for the new Rotary Year 2007~2008. Issues relating to attendance, new members, speakers, member contributions, and public relations have invited very interesting discussions.
Thanks to exiting President Wells Hsu's leadership, a healthy reserve fund has been left to the Club for the New Rotary Year. However, members are reminded of the following payments due July 1, 2007: - $200 Membership Fee - $100 Installation Night Dinner for Two Please make payment to Treasurer-Elect PK Chan and if you are writing a cheque, address the payee to Rotary Club of Vancouver Centennial.