Bill Jackson, a member of the North Delta Rotary Club joined us Tuesday night and shared his story with us on his trip to Kenya, Africa. The people there were poor and needed a lot of support.

Bill showed slides of the trip where they helped provide people with free eye examinations and upon those examinations, they provided glasses and treatments. They also visited the Rotary School and an orphanage both funded by the Rotary Club. At the school, they visited the students and presented them with 12 soccer balls and computers as gifts. Before receiving the soccer balls, the students played with a ball that they had made with paper and tape. Elgin Duke, also a member of the North Delta Rotary Club, as well as a dentist, donated toothbrushes to the children. One of the requirements to attend school was to have a toothbrush where most of those children were unable to afford one.

Aside from the story of helping Kenians, Bill also shared some amazing photos of wildlife living there. They took pictures of monkeys, lions, elephants, zebras, cheetahs, hippos, warthogs, hyenas, and wildebeests. Special pictures of a zebra being born and a baby elephant under a year old were captured.

Not only did Bill share with us a wonderful experience in helping the people in Kenya, he also showed us what a beautiful country Kenya was.