溫哥華世紀扶輪社邀請您一起響應  The Vancouver Centennial Rotary Club
由一個西班牙發明家的陶瓷科技  kindly seeks your support in the
來如何拯救巴拉圭原著民  water purification program in Paraguay.

淨 化  ,  希 望  ,  水 計 劃
 Purify Water Hope

手工陶瓷過濾器   Handmade Ceramic Water-Filter

Using the handmade ceramic water filters, native Paraguayans were able to enjoy clean and healthy water throughout households. These handmade ceramic water filters eliminate 99.9% of the bacteria in the water.
目前已被使用的陶瓷濾水器是由機器製造, 只有一年的使用期. 而安東尼的手工陶瓷過濾器, 只需要三種當地隨手可得的自然原料, 就可以製造並有五年的期效.
Typical water solutions require extensive man-power for installation, implementation and maintenance and most conventional ceramic water filters supplied to most third world countries are machine-made and have a lifespan of one year. Though these solutions have proven to work, they are cost-inefficient to many communities such as the native Paraguayans and at the same time, they demand continual outside assistance. With Antonio’s ceramic water filters, the native Paraguayans are now able to build their own water filtration system from local natural resources and each filter has a lifespan of 5 years.

陶瓷灌溉系統     Ceramic Irrigation System

將陶瓷科技進一步運用到灌溉系統上來種植農作物,只需要平常十分之一的用水量,改善了農業發展的限制。未上釉的陶瓷, 依照不同品種的植物對水的需求,設計出適當滲水功能的甕, 將其埋在地底並注滿水封蓋. 把植物種子灑於陶瓷四周, 就能種植出來豐碩的蔬菜水果.

Using Antonio’s ceramic irrigation system, the amount of water required to irrigate plants and crops are reduced by 90%.
This irrigation system allows for water conservation and at the same time, significantly improves the development of local agriculture.


20年前,在醫生告知只剩三個月生命的安東尼,放下在西班牙正值日正中天的太陽能科技事業,隻身來到巴拉圭,準備把所剩餘的生命和發明家的技能完全奉獻給巴拉圭原著民。結果, 肝癌不療而癒.


Twenty years ago, Antonio, a Spanish inventor, made a life-changing decision. He was told by doctors that he had only three months to left to live due to liver cancer. He gave up his career in solar technology and moved to Paraguay to devote his knowledge and the little time he had left to the native Paraguayans.

20年以來,他秉持著一個理念: 「真正的支援,是不能引發對方的乞討心.」安東尼利用當地材料,成功地研發出手工陶瓷濾水器及灌溉系統。他把他的發明傳授給當地原著民,讓他們能夠自力更生,重拾人性尊嚴與希望。接下來,他需要我們的參與一起來推廣這個理念,進而改善世界各地水源缺乏的落後國家,讓手工陶瓷科技的運用全球化!
Antonio persistently believed in his philosophy that help should be provided to the people without compromising their dignity. He used local natural resources to develop a ceramic water filtration and irrigation system that can be made and sustained at minimal costs. Both the water filtration and irrigation systems are made using local natural resources and by hand. His gifts to the Paraguayans allowed them to rebuild hope and dignity by becoming a more self-sufficient community. Together throughout the past 20 years, Antonio and the native Paraguayans have continued to modify and improve the ceramic water tools so that it can be passed on to help more people and communities in need.



再次接任2012-2013扶輪年度社長闕武昌指出;扶輪社 主要的目的是服務—在社區‧工作場所,結合全世界事業及專業領導人士的一種組織,提供博愛的服務,在職業方面鼓勵 崇高的道德標準,並幫助建立世界的親善與和平。是非政治,非宗教並開放給所有的文化、種族和信仰,目前全球共有三萬三千多個扶輪社,一百二十多萬(扶輪)社員,透過各 個事業、專業及社區領導人的聯誼、服務他人、並推廣正直、及促進世界了解親善與和平. 今年我們將舉辦多樣活動為淨化 , 希望 , 水計劃募款. 請大家共襄盛舉. 活動內容將在網站公 www.rcvc.ca